Sunday, July 8, 2007

If I Werer Your Pastor...

Were I your pastor — Protestant or Catholic — I would do some things differently.
These policies would be aimed at summer visitors, who swell church attendance.
First, I’d forget the usual advice to dress appropriately for a church. It does no good whatsoever. Many people nowadays don’t know the meaning of appropriate,
Second, I’d have a sign at the entrance: CHILDREN WELCOME in large type. But beneath it, in slightly smaller type, “If they are too young to be reasonably quiet and attentive, please take advantage of our Children’s Room.”
Third, I’d have an usher at each door collecting a $10-per-family cover charge. After all, if they are here, they are not contributing at home. A vacation doesn’t mean a vacation from giving.
Many churches, especially on the islands, have small year-round attendance. But they are built to accommodate crowds of summer visitors who find beautiful churches, air-conditioned and fully staffed. And God.
I’d accept cash and checks, but no credit cards.
What do you think?


At July 9, 2007 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why? Pastor Joe, you haven't established why you need to charge the summer visitors, who swell church attendance.

I agree with relaxing dress codes and encouraging use of children's ministries provided (most churches I know already do both of these), but your third proposed policy is a bit ticklish.

Not only is it a violation of God's Word (giving is supposed to be done willingly and cheerfully), but when you start charging people they start to have certain expectations.

They might misunderstand and fall under the impression that the fee at the door has gained them automatic entrance into Heaven. (Who was Jesus, and what did he do again?)

Also, people getting charged to use the beaches won't put up with trashy, unattended beaches; likewise, people getting charged to attend church won't put up with the same old floor show week after week, and pastors (such as yourself) will soon find themselves getting yanked off the stage with the long hook -- replaced with flashier, noisier, funnier entertainment.

You see, people GIVE as a service to God and to others; people PAY for a service to themselves.

At July 9, 2007 at 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

At July 16, 2007 at 2:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a case of "what would Jesus do?" I just love it when he's the toll collector and he presses the sawbuck back into your fist. He knows you don't have it, you're one of the "poor ones, the anawim" but you're dying to come in. Didn't he say that the Poor were the Kingdom of Heaven-the church? He can make any hut big, splashy and entertaining. Easy


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