Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lose It Whether or Not You Use It

A recent news account on increasing fees at colleges indicated that many students couldn’t understand why they should pay fees for things they might never use. The school swimming pool was one example.
Explained the head of student services at Stockton, “We could not provide the services at a reasonable cost unless everyone contributed.”
When college students get in the real world, they will find they are paying federal income taxes for many programs they do not support, let alone use.
When they become property owners, they will pay school taxes whether or not they have children in public schools. They may pay open space taxes, whether or not they believe in preserving open space. They may pay a library tax whether or not they use the library.
A recent article pointed out that every airline ticket includes a surcharge that gives billions of dollars to “general aviation” airfields largely used by owners of private airplanes.
The list is endless.
Maybe the college fee system should be considered just another lesson for the young.


At May 30, 2007 at 2:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon, Joe, you're sounding crotchety and apathetic. Wouldn't it be even more thrilling if our college students, the leaders of tomorrow, figured out a better way? A better way of governing? Of taxing? Of distribution of goods and services? Of bureaucratic oversight?

"Necessity is the mother of invention," and God knows we need a better way.

At May 31, 2007 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, "Maybe the college fee system should be considered just another lesson for the young?"
How about we try to stop those lessons that teach futility...same old, same can't beat city hall...nothing certain but death and taxes...
I would expect a college educator or administrator to want things to stay the same. They've got a good gig.
Maybe the first thing we need to change is the educational system itself.....starting with faculty!

At June 4, 2007 at 10:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As frustrating as it is to have to pay for services we don't necessarily use, I for one would prefer to not have to pay for fire services should I ever -- God forbid -- need to take advantage of them. I'd hate to have to thank the fire department for putting out the fire in my house with a check that covers their time, building and equipment -- don't think I could afford a fire truck. Same goes for police services (how much does a cruiser cost?), highway services (do I have to pay to have the routes I travel maintained?), and so forth. Whose being crotchety?


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