Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Greed in Higher Education

Education — what finer calling is there?
Higher education — even better.
My regard for education is so strong — and I am so naive — that I am still surprised when something mars it.
No, I’m not talking about former Gov. Jim McGreevey being hired by Kean University to teach courses to do with ethics and leadership. That is so outlandish as to defy belief. I have a hunch the McGreevey connection that made possible this obvious attempt to boost his state pension will come out.
I’m talking about the scandal over colleges getting paid off to recommend certain lenders for loans to students. There are some $85 billion in college loans out there, and 21 colleges and three lenders have already made settlements.
Some of the colleges called it revenue-sharing. I call it kickbacks.
At the University of Texas at Austin, a key factor in rating loan companies was the quality of the free meals and other perks.
One may be less surprised that the banks would pay off. But colleges...
In some cases, the schools themselves may be innocent, but financial aid officers allegedly received gifts ranging from money to trips in return for pushing certain lending institutions.
It’s the same greed that we see all too often in politicians.
The U.S. Department of Education is supposed to regulate the student loan industry. It apparently hasn’t. Surprised?


At May 2, 2007 at 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for the three sentences on the hiring of McGreevey by Kean University to teach ethics and leadership. I have been utterly appalled since learning of this -- disbelief pretty much sums it up -- and I have been wondering if anyone else had a similar reaction.

As for the rest, so what else is new in the world of business? I am not excusing it, and it should be cleaned up; but let's get back to the discussion of James McGreevey teaching ethics and leadership to our young people, our future leaders. This is outrageous, and my opinion of Kean University has totally tanked.

What's next? Keith Richards teaching abstinence at Cambridge?

At May 8, 2007 at 5:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At once I am thrilled with the donation of the historic Kean Home to the university and appalled at McGreevy teaching Ethics and leader ship ---don't you suppose someone should have some understandding of the subject before teaching ?It is it like the old cliche ;those who can, do and those who can't,teach.That is not true of many fine teachers but here the shoe fits and McGreevy wears it well.one has only to look at the misdeeds of his administration to know that ethics is only a word in the dictionary to him ---integrity ---what does that mean?

At May 11, 2007 at 2:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in time I saw a picture of Gov. McGreevey looking up at the collapsed parking garage in A.C. It showed the two vital elements of a teacher or priest, or leader: compassion and a mind searching for the truth. McGreevey also taught small businessfolk like me how to avoid the tax fraud and corruption widely prevalent when he came aboard. He did some good stuff. It helps to remember that God brought us SINNERS as prophets in other troubled times. We have Jim spotlighting our hate of gays, just as Britney shaved her head, crying, "Mother won't like this!" Mom pushed her little girl to be a body, a celebrity; now Mom sees the troubles that come with that!

At May 12, 2007 at 1:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether he is gay or straight or bisexual, McGreevey set a terrible example of ethics and leadership when he was governor of New Jersey. His homosexuality does not -- and should not -- exempt him from facing that fact.

Now that he has come out of the closet, McGreevey needs to come out from behind the label. If people do not approve of the job that he did nor condone his behavior, it could be because of the lousy job that he did and his unethical behavior -- not because he is gay.

It is just too easy for some individual minorities to scream, "Race!" or "Homophobia!" rather than take responsibility for their own character flaws and shortcomings. And the country is getting plenty tired of it.


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