No Signs Means...No Signs
The fuss over two men arrested for refusing to obey police orders to leave their protest signs outside Gov. Corzine’s town hall meeting at the Middle Township School District Performing Arts Center Jan. 19 is beyond belief.
I’m not using their names because that’s all they wanted was publicity. And they got it.
Republicans picked up on the arrest of these two jokers, nether of whom apparently could read the words “No Signs,” fed their sources, and suddenly it was the biggest violation of the U.S. Constitution since somebody last burned a flag.
It’s a real pleasure to apparently be the only person in the world to congratulate Middle officials for doing what was right and arresting these guys who, incidentally, were booked and released fast enough to get back to the PAC and shout questions at the governor.
One of the slow readers reportedly is a talk show host; the other placed third in seeking the Republican nomination for governor when Democrat Corzine won in 2005.
The latter has had a full week on the front pages of a local paper.
The governor, who probably didn’t even know about the arrests at the time, has been compared to Stalin who, by most accounts, was worse than Hitler.
The apology for the arrests from Middle officials was almost certainly a lawyer’s advice to attempt to avoid a time-consuming law suit.
The sign carriers are calling for investigations by everyone from the State Police to the state Department of Justice. The U.S. Attorney, U.S. Marshal, FBI, CIA, and Scotland Yard have yet to be summoned. Guess I’m the only person in this county to think providing security to the governor is no minor matter.
I also might be the only person who remembers freeholder meetings at which sheriff’s officers showed up to confiscate signs from protesters. Two differences. The people gave up their signs without incident.
And the freeholders are Republicans.
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